We M/BODY a global family
No walls, no limits, just open arms
Community you carry with you
No longer are we confined by walls or geography. We can truly connect to each other anytime, anywhere. When you join M/BODY, you’re granted access to our Facebook page and instantly become part of the #mbodyglobalfam, your new international support system.

From our global fam
Whenever I get to the end of a class I am just so grateful because I know it’s healing my body in so many ways. I actually cried in the healing hips class because I was so happy to be able to move my body in such a restorative way. I honestly thank God because I was looking for something that would help me improve my flexibility and mobility and increase my strength. I was also looking for something I would actually really like that I could do at home or access easily if I wasn’t at home. So this is a real answered prayer for me!
— Bukky N
My body is in the process of releasing extensive childhood trauma and resultant chronic tension/pain. The M/BODY workouts have been amazing for me. Helping me be free, joyful, strong and aligned
— Emily P
Thank you for being the only trainer I can do together with my young daughter. I never have to worry about hearing “do you want that perfect body” or “beach ready”
— Emilee T
My mental and emotional progress has been faster than the physical. Before I found Marnie and M/BODY I hated working out. Now I look forward to turning on a video. I miss working out.
— Daniela Z
I started looking for something on line I could do at home. I found Marnie Alton on instagram / pop sugar. At first I was like no way I cannot do these workouts I am way too old. But slowly I started getting into it especially loving the music and started following the community. Within weeks I noticed a HUGE difference in both my emotional and physical body. I cannot tell you how the balance of these workouts grounds me. I am constantly telling my old crew to give her workouts a chance. It is addicting now, I feel like these workouts can be done everyday and I absolutely love the app..
— Rochelle K
It’s been a little over a year now of consistent M/Body workouts and I have noticed so many small changes to my body. All of my friends (and my fiancé) have told me I’m glowing and have a really nice booty now which is a nice little body confidence boost 😂
I seriously can’t imagine what life is like without this community! It’s been so inspiring to watch everyone grow and be around women who are some of the kindest people I’ve ever met. Whoever said you can’t make genuine friends over the internet is so wrong 😌
— Sowanny M
Been doing them daily since the end of June. I have managed to handle my anxiety much more easily and keep a clearer head! Much more flexibility, muscle definition, and overall my metabolism seems to be working more efficiently
— Katherine K
I am 11 months post break up. I was in the most abusive relationship and ended things and that’s when I started your classes. I did your classes 5 times a week. Now guess what! I have a new boyfriend and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been physically! You helped change my life! Thank you for everything.I feel like a strong happy woman.
— Jessica L
I love every class. Your method has transformed my body. I feel so much stronger and toned and it has helped me stay sane during these crazy times
— Sarah
Thank you Marnie! I started doing M/BODY workouts in late December because my Orthopedic Doctor and Physical Therapist approved of me using barre to help my back and hips get stronger. I am a Collaborative Pianist and Vocal coach and have a lot of back pain and one of my SI joints was messed up from playing the piano. Your program is the only thing that made me feel better and Ive been doing M/BODY 5-6 times a week. I’m so grateful to you for helping me feel better and get stronger and now I can do push-ups too! Haha! Your positive vibes and personality, and careful attention to detail and form, while using stretching throughout each workout have kept me coming back to the Barre everyday. I love M/BODY.
— Jess A
You and your knowledge are always with me!!! I love having access to the Tribe and all the videos as I am traveling.
— Lucy H
So grateful for this work and supportive community that prepared me so well for delivery
— Lauren M
Marnie! I know we don't know each other but I just wanted to drop a line to let you know you have changed my life! Not only do I feel so much stronger in my body but in my mind.
— Jenna W
A year ago I couldn’t wear or even think of my self wearing shorts like this!!!! I was an extra large, large size. I had all my confidence taken away! A bad break up! Because my boyfriend of 5 years at the time had cheated and got another woman pregnant. My confidence had deteriorated. But then I began doing m body classes! I pushed my self! Now I do an hour 5 times a week! My confidence have come back! I’m now a size medium! I’m able to wear the same size as my sister. I never could’ve dreamed of it happening. I worked for it and you all helped me. You help change my life.
— Jessica L
I’m bringing more people from my support community for Autistic and Aspergers women to your platform. Your methodology , music and style of teaching has really helped me.
— Jeannine
These videos are hands down my favorite movement experiences I’ve ever come across. I danced for over 12 years, and the moves that Marnie meticulously incorporates into her (extremely well thought out and organized) method really reactivate that creative and fiery spark in me that I had convinced myself was dead. My favorite thing about the exercises is that there is very little emphasis on body changes/ manipulating your body to look a certain way, and the focus is really on connecting with your body and mind. That’s really what movement should be about; joy! And that’s the energy I get from Marnie every time I turn on the app. And the meditations at the end really tie everything into a beautiful bow. I love it!!
This Global Fam is phenomenal! I love how this is a space where we can just come as we are, and everyone just swoops in with unconditional love and support. I haven’t been able to find anything close to that anywhere else! I am endlessly grateful for Marnie, the M/BODY team, and the Global Fam.
— Melissa F
I was coming off a lower back injury and these classes are customizable to not only my fitness level but I could customize it to work with my injury and rebuild the strength I had lost. Fast forward two months and my back pain is gone and I have muscles for the first time in 20 years (like real muscles!!!)
— Alyshia O
This community has something so magical that I've never experienced in any other scene or group. My heart is so full seeing everyone reach out to each other, encourage each other and share ideas. It's just so cool and I'm so happy to be here. I feel honored to be a part of something so special with such a strong, fierce group of individuals all over the planet. I was terrified that I'd lose my willpower when you-know-what-19 paused the world but this has been so motivating to continue to follow my path and to grow stronger, happier and healthier. Anyone else feel this? Love y'all so much! Every time I go to class, I still can't believe this is real. Hope to hug you all in real life someday and have a dance party. Rock on mbodyglobalfam! ❤
— Faith K
Since finding your program, I’m in the best shape of my life both mentally and physically.
— Lauren C
M/BODY has been a huge part of my pandemic survival. My endurance is so much better - that's physical endurance (cardio / isometrics etc.) but moreover mental endurance. I have focus and strength that got a bit buried within all of the stress. M/BODY has helped me recover my sparkle. I'm always talking about it (haha, I don't even care, my peeps are used to my various obsessions) and honestly the sense of community is REAL.
Everyone is united in self-improvement, self-acceptance, self-compassion and these are the qualities I want in those I choose to surround myself with.
— Myriam M
M/BODY will make you sweat, sculpt, and stretch
— Lizamary M
I am relatively new ,my name is Fanni, living in the UK but originally from Hungary. I have been following Marnie since April 2020(re-doing her Popsugar classes on youtube over and over again!🤩)but officially joined the Fam and the online platform in August 2021. We moved house and my hubby was super cute and he prepared a little workout space for me in the garage-as you can see I still need a few bits as I’ve been using a ladder for my barre but I’ll get there.As many of you have said before, there is positivity in every negative situation - who would have thought that I’ll find my no.1 workout routine during the pandemic?I used to go to a dance/ballet school as a little girl for quite a few years but even though I’ve always been quite stretchy I never had the “ballerina” figure, I was always bigger than the other girls and then I stopped dancing …I have been through various gym routines and classes to stay active but could never find the right balance-they were either too soft or way too jumpy.Fast forward to finding Marnie Alton, it is an understatement to say that I feel like I have arrived home with her classes!
— Fanni B
This community and family are incredible and SO supportive! I honestly dislike social media and ONLY log on FB to come here
— Jessica B
I have tried so many workouts and finding M/Body is literally the first time in my life that I LOVE exercising and I feel so fully present for every moment of every workout. I posted this pic on Instagram but I couldn’t believe that my 5 year old wrote in her Mother’s Day card that one of her mom’s favorite thing to do is exercise! That’s all Marnie Alton I feel totally transformed. What I wasn’t expecting was also finding this global network of such incredible people who give me constant support every single day.
— Molly M
So happy I have this community on hand at all times!
— Natalie
I’ve been doing M/BODY for about a year now, and it has become such a vital part of my own wellness. Physically, while I’m not my smallest, I’m certainly my strongest, and most accepting--a huge huge deal for me. And mentally, well, there have been so many good things. I've lived a life full of anxiety, especially surrounding my body. Last September I was able to transition out of therapy for said anxiety. I credit so much to the ideas presented over and over by Marnie during our workouts. When I noticed some of the same ideas being discussed by my therapist, I had a major aha moment. I love and appreciate the grit, the authenticity, the willingness to establish boundaries, and also push oneself outside a comfort zone in a healthy way. The bending and not breaking, the encouragement to meet resistance in both body and mind WHERE IT IS… and everything, just everything else. So much love, that I’m running out of words, but have probably provided enough-bahaha! Brevity and I aren't buddies 😉
Suffice it to say, I love this method and every single thing it stands for and am forever grateful for the time spent developing it. And the fam is just precious. So many beautiful people, whom I hope to meet some day.
— Amanda P
I have much less anxiety and stress and much more serenity and self confidence
— Jill T
I enjoy this platform and community for the following reasons: 1. My cardiovascular ability has improved 2. I feel better about my body shape 3. I have met some great people on IG 4. I admire Marnie Alton optimism.
— Meena K
M/BODY is the most amazing, soul-healing workout ever! It gives me something to look forward to each day and always puts a smile on my face. I am so much stronger physically and mentally from these workouts. Often times my mom and I joke that M/Body single handedly got us through quarantine! M/Body has become such a huge part of my life and the wisdom from Marnie has helped in every aspect of my life. Plus its wonderful to know there are like-minded warriors around the world who are going through the same experiences!
— Tessa W
M/BODY has helped me so much last year, both physically and mentally. Through this family I started to love my body and thank you all for that!!!
— Amalia E
M/BODY has changed me in so many ways. I feel connected to my body and my mind in a way I haven’t ever felt before.
My body has been through carrying and giving birth to two beautiful boys and I struggled so much with body image after my pregnancies.
After taking a leap of faith and joining M/Body and providing myself with the same care and love I provide my children and my husband, my whole world changed.
I am changed. I am stronger and I am better for being part of this beautiful community. I am so thankful to the wonderful people I have met through this platform who are so quick to accept, cheer and help one another. It’s beautiful. I’m honoured to be part of this fam. And I am deeply grateful to Marnie Alton for being my guide. Your direction in class and during the closing stretch always resonate. It’s a truly magical way to spend part of your day.
— Heather C
M/BODY is magical and I think it sneaks up on you in that you don't expect it to be this awesome because how fun/engaging/challenging/restorative can an online platform be?! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
— Leah H
I’ve never been athletic or into sports growing up. My fiancé actually got me started on my fitness journey, but I was having trouble finding something I could connect with easily and enjoy. I found Marnie’s popsugar videos (there’s were only 2 at the time) and I used those regularly as my workouts plus some heated yoga classes on the side for almost a year. Then beginning of 2020, I got into a ski accident and fractured my ribs and right hand. I truly believed I was able to recover in a short amount of time because of Marnie’s workouts and building my core before the accident. I was even strong enough to attend her pop up class in NYC and meet Marnie and Danni in person!
Marnie and the #mbodyglobalfam has made me stronger both physically and mentally. It’s nice to see everyone’s positive comments and knowing you have support system even if you don’t know anyone. I’m really grateful to be apart of this community!
— Kristina K
The other day my six year old son said, “Mom, you’re not skinny, you’re not fat, you’re strong.” I couldn’t stop smiling all day after this. I hope to continue to raise my sons to know women are strong. Thank you Marnie Alton for helping keep me strong.
— Kendall W
I’d like to share with you that after 7 years I quit my beloved job here in Romania, and in less than 10 days I’ll start my new job as a production coordinator in some American movies in Budapest, Hungary. And where I come from, this is a big deal! I don’t think I ever left anything safe, stable, and comfortable for something harder, unknown, and uncertain. For as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to work on a movie set with an impeccable English accent , but I chose what was easier and attainable. Then I started working out with Marnie and somehow all of my dreams awakened. It’s hard to explain but I feel like through this movement my wandering mind and soul could move back into my body. Finally, they are all connected again, and I can see more clearly. At first, I absolutely did not believe that I can be enough, or I can do hard things, but hanging out with Marnie every day changed my beliefs. So I started to find new ways and make actual plans, and thanks to the kindness of total strangers I got offered this fancy job. The last couple of days were extremely demanding in every possible way, and the only routine I was able to stick to was the hydration challenge. Today I rented a new place (with a tiny garden!), I managed to pack most of my stuff and said goodbye to many of my dearest friends and colleagues. I am ready to move to a different country. I feel so loved. And I feel so grateful for everyone who’s part of my life. Right now nothing is certain, but everything is possible. Even fulfilling my greatest dreams. And I have a ton of them! Basically all I wanted to say it’s never too late to start awakening and trusting your inner voice. If you are in a darker place, please, believe that there will be light again. You are capable of doing anything you set your mind to. And please, surround yourself with amazing humans. There are so many of them out there!!! And try to learn to ask for help. And keep working out with Marnie, because she is absolutely right when she says she will take care of us as long as we keep showing up. Thank you Marnie for guiding us towards our best selves! What a life-changer you are. Literally.
— Beata L
All this work has helped me change my mind about how I look at myself
— Becca H
I genuinely feel like crying after every class. Where has this been my whole life?! Doesn't feel like a workout but actual therapy for your whole being. I've only been doing Marnie's workouts for about a month but I am already feeling better than I've ever felt...physically, emotionally, mentally...everything!
— Aubrey J
M/BODY has changed the way I think about exercise. What was once something that I felt I needed to do, working out with Marnie is something I'm so lucky to get to do every day. I can't wait for each new workout and then can't wait to revisit them again and again! Marnie's incredible energy, killer workouts, infectious enthusiasm and spiritual joy bring so much sweat, positivity and strength (both physical and emotional) into each day for me. And connecting with the M/Body fam around the world is truly beautiful. To have a community of like-minded warriors and friends for life is just an added bonus of discovering Marnie and her workouts. M/Body is life changing!
— Molly M
These workouts have improved my quality of life! I began following Marnie's barre workouts at the start of covid lockdowns. I was completely out of shape, I couldn't rotate my right shoulder, I had a prolapsed uterus, I was not happy with my day to day life because I was in constant discomfort! I decided to make a change and without these workouts I would not be where I am (Physically) today. I love how she interweaves the spiritual and mental side of having a healthy body! Huge praises from Wisco!
— Ami B
Marnie! I just wanted to say thank you!!! Your workouts have helped me so much. I started on IG over a year ago, subscribed and kept going because they helped me clear my mind and feel so good emotionally…lately people have started to comment on how much my body has changed also!!! I have worked out my entire life (crossfit, spin, running, boxing you name it!) but nothing like this, you have changed how I feel about working out and I actually look forward to your workouts so thank you!!! Totally outside my comfort zone, but what the hell here I am after the 20 min sweat sesh.
— Carmen N
My 2019 was abysmal. For the past 15 years I have suffered from a women’s issue that doctors simply chalk up to “bad luck.” Every female has Bartholin’s glands at the entrance to their nether regions. Rarely, people can develop cysts there that typically go away on their own. Super rarely, the cyst can get infected (abscessed) which is screamingly painful and has to be surgically drained. Since 2005, I’ve had upwards of 15 emergency abscesses on my left side (even after a failed surgery that is somewhat cutely called a “marsupialization.”) My right side always had a robust cyst, but to its credit, it was relatively chill and more annoying than anything. As the abscesses became more frequent, my OBGYN and I agreed I should get both Bartholin’s glands surgically removed. You don’t really need them anyway! No glands = no cysts. Sweet. June 2019, I came out of surgery to some Shakespearean-level irony. They could only remove the right gland (the easygoing goodfella) as the cyst on my left side had not become sizable enough since the last time my doctor excised it to extract the entire gland. If you’ve stopped reading by now, I do NOT blame you. The recovery was gnarly. The only “silver living” to take away from the ungodly pain was knowing there is NO way I’d be able to handle recovering from both sides simultaneously as planned. It was so defeating mentally knowing I’d have to do it all over again. November 2019, I had surgery to remove the left baddie, with complications. Likely the fact that I had endured a LOT of trauma on that side, my body reacted extremely to the surgery and was not healing properly. The serous fluid wouldn’t absorb back into my body, making it difficult for my internal sutures to dissolve. I had a hematoma, then a seroma, plus scar tissue starting to form in the dead space where the bugger was REMOVED! Seriously, it felt like a cosmic joke. So my lockdown started early. Since November 2019, I had been immobile, restricted to working horizontally from the couch, in immense pain, walking the length of the house was a TASK. As you can imagine, this was as grueling mentally as it was physically. Truly the lowest place. Cut to February, to address my pain, especially sitting, the doc prescribed PT for my tensed up pelvic floor, hoping it would address the tightness of my muscles in the area. Basically, my pelvis had PTSD, and it was preventing me from healing properly. I had only three PT sessions, which were a curious mix of (oh-so-intimate) internal massage and releasing my psoas. By the time the rest of the world joined me in quarantine, the depression level was …yikes. Now comes the good part! Defeated by the halt in my PT progress, I began March endeavoring to do a little stretching each day (I was not a very active gal prior to 2019 either, FYI.) Day by day I started to fold in some YouTube yoga, and by the time I felt a little less atrophied, I came across your Pop Sugar videos. Marnie, not only have you been the bright spot for me throughout this pandemic, but you are the clear, crucial pivot in my recovery. The launch of your platform jumpstarted my healing, and I mean that emotionally as much as physically. The “pelvic floor” is somewhat of an elusive concept for me to grasp, but I truly believe you’ve helped me achieve the goals of what PT was meant to do, from the inside out. It is wild to say out loud that my pain is GONE. And in its place is the sense of accomplishment I have every day from your classes - From not being able to sit for longer than 10 minutes, to now being able to do the splits. My husband is convinced I’m able to hold a plank for an hour straight (yeah right, bud!) Joking aside, these little victories have come from a building of strength I could not have fathomed months ago. So thank you for being my fixer, my secret champion, the high point of my day. The energy you radiate is so powerful. I have so much gratitude for you and everything you do, Marnie. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
— Marissa P