60 Day Challenge

As the holiday season approaches, we here at M/BODY wanted to make sure you had the support you need to STAY TRUE TO YOU! When life gets busier, sometimes our own needs can get put on the back burner. To make sure that doesn’t happen this year, we’re launching our newest 60 Day Challenge on October 15th. This challenge is one of the most powerful ways to stay connected to your unique energy, inner voice, strength, possibility, and HEALTH. If you’re looking for a way to make sure you finish 2022 even stronger than you started, this 60 day adventure with Marnie & our Global Fam was made for you! 

  • The Deets

    For 60 days starting Saturday 10/15 and ending on Wednesday 12/14 you will be given daily challenges to complete: one workout & one wellness activity. Both are designed to strengthen your body & your soul in a progressive & sustainable way. The workouts will include all levels, lengths, intensities, focuses & styles of class while the activities will focus on mental, emotional & nutritional health.

    Because we believe that customizing ROCKS, you’ll get to decide before we start whether your personal goal is to complete 30, 45 or all 60 M/BODY workouts (pick what’s best for your body & lifestyle then write it down).

  • The Options

    30/60 workouts = 3-4 per week
    If you’re new to M/BODY this is a great option to build your stamina and get to know our rad community without feeling overwhelmed. If you’re already sweating with us on the regular, this is good for maintaining your current conditioning, building even stronger habits & accommodating a hectic schedule.

    45/60 workouts = 5 per week
    Optimal for building strength and breaking through plateaus. Remember that a lot of the workouts are 30mins or less so you can choose the weekly classes that are best for your schedule while still committing to up leveling your self care!

    60/60 workouts = On the mat everyday
    This is a powerful way to make big health shifts & create new fitness habits that will stay with you. The board is designed to incorporate recovery days so that your daily movement is healthy, powerful and sustainable. No burn out here baby!

    Don’t stress about picking the ‘right amount’ just make the choice that feels right, right now.
    You will have opportunities to reassess and re-commit as we go!

  • The Prep

    / Get a journal or notebook

    / Write down your personal workout goal: 30, 45 or 60 workouts in 60 days

    / Plan out your workout space & equipment

    / Download the M/BODY APP & turn on push notifications

    / Join the M/BODY global fam private FB page (MBGF FB)

  • How it works

    Complete the number of overall workouts from the board that you wrote down as your goal (feel free to mix & match from the classes each week). The wellness activities are designed to be done everyday even if it’s your day off from exercising. Doing this will keep you motivated and inspired to stick with the new habits you’re creating. The bonus tasks are fun, soul filling, powerful tools to help you improve both your physical and mental wellness in big ways!

    Every person who completes the challenge will be entered to win some serious swag, including the Grand Prize: a private Zoom class with Marnie for you and up to four of your friends! This challenge will be exclusively held on our M/BODY platform so if you don’t have a subscription yet, now is the time to sign up!

    To help you get started, we are offering a free 7 day trial for anyone new to M/BODY so invite your friends (don’t forget with our referral program you get a month free when they subscribe). Spread the word and share the love!